Botanical Garden, 2010

Botanical Garden, 2010



Solo Exhibition

April 25 thru June 7, 2010

The Cleveland Botanical Garden

Guren Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio


Artist’s Statement:

The photographs in this exhibit chronicle a personal story reflected predominately in images from northeast Ohio and the Leelanau Peninsula of western Michigan.  Local farms and marshes are the principal

subjects of my work, in part for their accessibility but as much for the discovery and reward of finding mystery and beauty in the unnoticed – scenes regularly passed by or overlooked by most of us each day.

I have attempted to convey the expanse, the mystery and the inexorable draw of land and water through color, texture, shape and contrasting layers of light.  A persistent theme is the exploration of  “place” through different perspectives or the seasonal juxtaposition of identical scenes.  These images are an attempt to bring light to places of personal importance, places that evoke mystery and beauty, apprehension and comfort and places that await each of us.

I use photography because unlike any other medium, it uniquely and paradoxically captures and preserves the fleeting realities of the physical world.

This exhibition is dedicated to Kate Baker, whose artistry gives voice to our vision. (G. Baker 2009)